Precedence Study

In legal system based on common law, a precedent is a principle or rule established in a previous legal case. In Figure Designs, precedence study is a study of established artists who was or still famous with their works. I need to learn how the successful artist make his name with his drawing in his time and by practicing his style of draw, I am aiming to improve my skills in figure drawing. The artist I chose is Brian Michael Bendis.

Brian Michael Bendis. American comic book writer & artist.

Brian Michael Bendis, who was born August 18, 1967 is an American comic book writer and artist. He created his own work and he also work on various Marvel Comics books. I'm always a fan of Marvel and I like every style of Marvel Comics' art. Mr Bendis's style for Marvel amazes me all the time for his clean and sharp style. I love how he shows Spider-man and Iron Man in a different art and it looks great. After doing some research about him, I know that he was not in superhero work at first, but he was with crime and noir comics. It's amazing to see how he changed his style to successfully create Marvel's universe.

This is where things got exciting, he was the primary architect of the Ultimate Marvel universe! Can you guys imagine that? He is one of the guys that brought the awesome universe into our life (thanks for that Mr Bendis 😂). He launched the Ultimate Spider-man, relaunched the Avengers franchise and wait for it... Age of Ultron! Yes, the very story arc that been considered as one of the best in Marvel universe. Although, Mr Bendis also drew for other famous comic book writers such as Frank Miller and Alan Moore, his own writing is no less than good.

He was also occasionally teaching at Portland State University which is what I respect most of him. I, myself are trying to be a lecturer someday and seeing Mr Bendis gave his knowledge and experience to students, make me want to do it even more.

If you guys want to know more about Mr Bendis or other influential comic artist that I mentioned, I had prepare the links for you guys. Just click it and do some reading. Trust me, it'll be worth your time! 😁

Example of Brian Michael Bendis's works.

For the next project, I'll be doing some drawing by mimicking Brian Michael Bendis's style. It's a full figure drawing and I'll update it in later post. 💃


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